How To Survive School This Year

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Two years ago, there was a girl who didn’t want to go to school. It was the first day back after a wonderful two weeks of holidays. She was sitting in science class, in the front row next to her best friend, and she was near tears. She hated it. She didn’t know why. She just hated it. She wanted to go home.

So she made a plan. If she made it through the day, and that was a very big if, she would tell her parents that she did not want to go back to school, and it would be better for everyone if she was home-schooled.

Yeah, that was me. I think I was a bit disillusioned. As if my parents would ever let me do that.

I went back to school the next day. And the next. And the next. For the next two years. And now I’m about to do it again. Go back to school after weeks upon weeks of wonderful holidays. How am I going to do it? I don’t know. But I have made a ‘School Year’s Resolution’.

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It’s like a New Year’s Resolution, only for school. I’ve made one every year for three years now. I think it’s been the same one every year. Stop being so focused on my academics and work on the social side.

And I’m about to make if for the fourth year. Check back in with me next year to see if I failed miserably or succeeded terrifically.

Do you have a School Year’s Resolution? Maybe it’s the opposite of mine. Focus more on the academic side of school. Or is there something you want to achieve this year? Like, just for once, getting an A on Maths.

I though of a few here. Feel free to steal them!

  • I want to have more of a balance between work and play.

  • I need to prioritise my day. The day doesn’t end well when the first thing I think of in the morning is that difficult science test.

  • I want to be a better student. Because I really shouldn’t talk back to the teachers and cheat on tests.

  • I don’t want to freak out over tiny things that can easily be fixed.


What are you going to do this year to stay calm? Go on, be a nerd and write it down like I did. Feel free to share so I can steal your ideas too!

Megan Southon

Megan Southon is an enthusiastic teenage author and blogger. She has created a blog specifically for teens and looks forward to sharing stories about her life as an Australian girl. She strives to share short, captivating, and inspiring stories from a Christian perspective with teen girls.

When she’s not at school, she enjoys reading, cooking, planning writing projects, and exploring old things.

She lives in Australia but is trying to familiarize herself with America by memorizing all 50 states and their capitals.

Follow her on Facebook (@megansouthonauthor) and Instagram (@megansouthon) for more content.

Turtles at Bundaberg


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